Amy Alkon's Humanlab: The Science Between Us

John Coates: How science-based risk-taking empowers success



Amy Alkon's Advice Goddess Radio: "Nerd Your Way To A Better Life!" with the best brains in science. There's something major missing in our understanding of how we succeed, and that's the biological side of things. That’s what my guest tonight, John Coates, is going to provide -- fascinating biological nuances that explain how to approach risk, manage stress, use our gut feelings, and optimize ourselves to achieve even the loftiest goals. Coates is now senior research fellow in neuroscience and finance at the University of Cambridge, but he came to that after a very successful career on Wall Street where he ran the trading desk at Deutsche Bank. His terrific book is “The Hour Between Dog And Wolf: How risk-taking transforms us, body and mind.”Stick with us and find out about how you can train yourself to manage stress rather than being crushed by it and actually toughen yourself both mentally and physically so you can be at your fittest to reach your goals.  Join me and all my fascinating guests every Sunday,