Amy Alkon's Humanlab: The Science Between Us

How Touch Drives Emotions and Behavior, with neuroscientist Dr. David Linden



Welcome to Amy Alkon's HumanLab: The Science Between Us, a weekly show with the luminaries of behavioral science.On this show, neuroscientist David Linden takes us on a journey from our fingertips to our funparts and explains how huge an influence touch is in every aspect of our lives. He'll lay out, for example, how touch can improve your success in business and how vital touch is to a child's development and well being and about how much touch a child needs.We'll be discussing his book, Touch: The Science of Heart, Hand, and Mind.Join me and all my fascinating guests every Sunday (at our new half-hour time), 7-7:30 p.m. Pacific Time, 10-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time, at or subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher.Support my show by buying my "science-help" book, "Unf*ckology: A Field Guide to Living with Guts and Confidence." It lays out the PROCESS of how you can transform to live with confidence, plus countless tips for habit change, productivity, and more.