Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England




What to do when things get sticky in a relationship, how to know when to open up or pull back your edges, why energy is the only place to really affect change, and I did some Soul healing for our very first caller.It was a full episode!Here are some of the other highlights you can listen for when you tune in to the replay: 4:31 Returning to my Essence - no notes! 9:05 "Triggers are Portals to Freedom"14:38 Discerning what’s needed - Open or Close a Boundary? How do you know?21:04 I reveal the secret of how others get into your energy space29:16 Energy Work - Tuning up your edges43:18 Psychic Boundary Work with our first caller53:16 Practical Integration of the work for this weekBoundaries in alignment = Healthy relationships and rejuvenated energy. It’s like going to the spa for your aura.