Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

Gurus, Mentors, and Coaches...



Recently, I have been fully immersed in a dramatic expansion of my personal evolutionary path - and as an extension of that - my presence in the world through Untamed You.As with all expansion, it hasn’t been without its growing pains. I have several coaches and mentors on my “keep Jody on track” team and I love them all dearly. They are wise and true, I trust them deeply, and certainly wouldn’t be able to do what I do without them.And… I have been treading some particularly interesting thresholds with regard to my ability to be supported and some sneaky ways I’ve been trying to give away my power to them, to my life, to my marketing team… to anyone who would take it.I have discerned so much about how to orchestrate support for my journey, while also remaining coachable, while also holding my center.These are vital pieces of wisdom to have as you navigate your own return to Truth and Freedom and I want to share them with you.On today’s Wild Soul Medicine Radio show, I disclosed some intimate stories of times