Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

Live Energy Healings with Jody



After a beautiful birthday weekend in the redwoods of California, I’ve returned refreshed and alive - full of life force and creative impulse. I was nurtured and loved back to fullness by my beautiful sisters who held me, honored me and returned me to my Self.I am a lucky woman.Since I was a child, I’ve always had the story that my birthday was unimportant. I’ve manifested year after year of disappointment and decidedly “unspecial” treatment around it.Even as an adult, I perpetuated the creation of not celebrating myself and blaming others for doing the same.This year, I intentionally created something radically different by committing to a weekend away with some of my closest friends to drop in to pleasurable indulgence with wild, holy women who make my heart sing.Steps like these are at the heart of Untaming our Soul Path - Doing the things you think you can not/should not/dare not do.It's a dance of excavating the thought patterns and energetic blocks that have us believe we must be a certain way along wit