"f. L. I. C. K. S.": The Nnp/mmm Podcast

EPISODE TWO: Apologizing, Analyzing & Agonizing Part II



EPISODE DESCRIPTION:In this short two-part episode I talk about coming back to the UK after months away, Korea related protests in London, Christmas, empathy and more.Recorded and published on Saturday 17th December, 2016.Episode Notes: Source:https://www.spreaker.com/user/jasonverney/apologizing-agonizing-part-2-from-london]*OR "Apologising, Analysing & Agonising" (Z or S depending on your learnings or leanings!)SERIES DESCRIPTION:"F. L. I. C. K. S." is a podcast by filmmaker and journalist Jason Verney, in collaboration with his production company, NativeNomadPictures.com (NNP) and his movies & music website, MiniMiniMovie.com (MMM), and stands for:FilmsLifeInterviewsCameraKoreaSoundsSelf-quoted as: "An Odd Plod, Nod & Pod to 'NO-MADe-land'..."This podcast can be seen as an apology perhaps, to those who may be awaiting the yet to be completed South Korean documentary by Mr Verney. Jason talks about various aspects of Korea, the Korean culture, movies (both Korean and international), music, lif