"f. L. I. C. K. S.": The Nnp/mmm Podcast

"F. L. I. C. K. S.” EP 64 - REVIEW of "System Crasher" (Systemsprenger)



“F. L. I. C. K. S.” EP 64 - EPISODE DESCRIPTION:In this episode I review the German film "System Crasher" ahead of its release on Curzon Home Cinema on 27th March 2020. Also discussed is the film's originally planned cinema release, the Coronavirus and more. This podcast, along with a little article is also available on my website http://www.MinMiniMovie.com. Recorded on 25th March 2020. SERIES DESCRIPTION:"F. L. I. C. K. S." is a podcast by filmmaker and journalist Jason Verney, in collaboration with his production company, NativeNomadPictures.com (NNP) and his movies & music website, MiniMiniMovie.com (MMM), and stands for:FilmsLifeInterviewsCameraKoreaSoundsSelf-quoted as: "An Odd Plod, Nod & Pod to 'NO-MADe-land'..."This podcast can be seen as an apology perhaps, to those who may be awaiting the yet to be completed South Korean documentary by Mr Verney. Jason talks about various aspects of Korea, the Korean culture, movies (both Korean and international), music, life, travelling & more. Lik