Preston Smiles's Podcast




What’s up you all, Preston Smiles here. Make sure you go to because I release stuff there that I only release through email. Today’s transmission: The universe is not happening to you it’s responding to you. I’m going to say that again, the universe (God, Buddha, Allah, Krishna) whatever name is on the door for you is not happening to you it’s responding to you. It’s responding to your energetic frequency. That means that you get to stop every time you get knocked down. You get to stop running back to the thing that knocked you down. That means letting go of these old patterns and unfollowing people in real life … Unfollowing people in real life. That means getting a squad, getting a family, getting a crew, that gets and sees who and what you are. That means loving when you’re ready not when you’re lonely. That means not swiping through Tinder when you feel lonely. Not swiping through all these dating apps trying to hook up. Guys, the universe is not happening to you it’s responding to you.