Teachercast Educational Broadcasting Network (full Audio)

Email Marketing -vs- Weekly Newsletters: What’s the Difference?



Are you looking to build and grow an email list to support your website, podcast, or consulting? If so you might have heard words such as Email Newsletters and Email Marketing and wondered what the differences are. Am I right? In this episode of the Jeff Bradbury Show, we will take a look at the concepts of Email Marketing and Newsletters and showcase why you might want to create a dynamic strategy that involves not only weekly updates to your subscribers but a sequential series of premade emails that have a singular focus. If you are a new listener to TeacherCast, we would love to hear from you. Please visit our http://teachercast.net/contact (Contact Page) and let us know how we can help you today! The TeacherCast 90-Day Email Marketing ChallengeAt this moment, I'm guessing you might fit into one of these categories: You have a great idea that you would like to get noticed by the educational community You are looking to build a distinguishable brand for yourself to get noticed by edtech companies,