Better Saif Than Sorry Fm (prologue)

Episode V - Elizabeth Vantaa Black



In this episode, I am also joined by Julia Felix - my co-host - who is the Director of Project Management at Freespace International, a grassroots organization offering supportive services to artists and creatives worldwide; we speak with Elizabeth Vantaa Black, a career in comedy cut short by an auto accident, who has - like many - adapted to the stay home stay safe ethos where we all try to work from home. We speak about medieval weapons, goths, the comedy scene pre-lockdown, as well as the #metoo movement in the comedy scene. Trigger warning - some parts may cause distress to listeners. Here are the links to  Elizabeth Vantaa Black's blogs and podcast: This is the link to the blog post about responding to being called out: This is the skills audit - proving quite popular in the states And finally, this is Chrome Polish