Obstacle Course

Let Love Lift Us Higher: Part 1



 Josh Dueck is the quintessential obstacle course guest including a stunning story, professionally told and is now changing the world through his work. This is Part One of our conversation. Here's the word John nearly hurt himself trying to pronounce. Despite John's weird analogy, this episode really does have everything and is the essence of Obstacle Course. Andrew practiced for weeks to say  Chef De Mission.For the record, Josh is a 3 time paralympic medalist, including gold! He's also won an X games gold medal and the world championships.John's finger has healed nicely. His ego continues to be a work in process.--------------------Josh is the first person in history to perform a backflip on a sit ski!!!  Here's the iconic jump!"We're going to go make an effort today." It turns out that's all any of us can ever do. Wake up. Do the work. Rinse and Repeat. When we're in the middle of doing our best work and aren't distracted by ego or fear, serenity will guide the way. The Freedom Chair is a beautifully filme