Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

Tara Singh On Raising A Conscious Child



On today's show we have very special recording to share of Tara Singh on How to raise a child of God. Aired live 2013. Produced and presented by Lara MartinCopyright PBB Media and Lara Martin PBBmedia.orgBorn 1919 in India, Tara Singh spent the early years of his life in a small village in Punjab. From this sheltered environment his family then traveled and lived in Europe and Central America. At 22, his search for the truth led him to the Himalayas where he lived for four years as an ascetic. He became more and more removed from worldly affairs and devoted several years of his life to the study and practice of yoga. The discipline imparted through yoga helped make possible a three-year period of silent retreat in California in the early 1970s. 
       As he emerged from the years of silence in 1976, he came into contact with the contemporary scripture A Course in Miracles. Its impact on him was profound. He recognized it “as an answer to man's urgent need for direct contact with truth.” There followed a clo