Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

Libby O'Donnell on Post Term Pregnancy



Sally's interview with midwife Libby O'Donnell from The Lismore Birth House on post term pregnancy, induction, weighing up the risks and benefits, alternatives to induction and the importance of have a due period, (ie 38-42 weeks) rather than a due date (see NSW Health policy below).Related links:* "Recommendation:Expectant mothers should be informed that there is only a 35% chance that they will actually go into labour during the week of their estimated date of birth (+/-3 days). Maternal anxiety may be alleviated if a range of dates (for example 38+0- 42+0 weeks) is substituted for a specific date of delivery, with the optimal time for birth being approximately 40+0 weeks gestation."Management of Pregnancy Beyond 41 Weeks:* General overview of post term and induction* A woman's uterus is only receptive to synthetic oxytocin hormones right at the very end of her pregnancy