Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

Taking Birth to a Positive place



For people listening in today or if you have friends or family with unresolved birth trauma, no matter how long ago, there are birth trauma specific resources such as, birthing from within, and which are dedicate to supporting women, birthers and thier families.Our guest today is Milli Hill, founder of the Positve Birth Movement, Milli set up the Positive Birth Movement from her living room in 2012, motivated by both her own birth experiences, and her growing frustration whenever she heard the words, "They didn't let me" in a birth story. She has since gone on to become a well recognised voice for women in the birth world, writing extensively in the mainstream press (BestDaily, Telegraph, Guardian) and apearing at various confrences and talks. She has three small children and lives in Somerset.The positive birth movement is a grass roots movement, spreading positivity about childbirth via a global network of free Positive Birth groups, linked up by social media.What began in 2012