Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

Dying as a rite of passage



Zenith Virago is a woman grounded in the gifts of understanding the nuances of humanity and the basic need for people to mark important times in their lives with sacredness. Zenith serves those traveling through birth, marriage and death. Highly respected for her guidance and presence in the Byron Shire and beyond, Zenith is a jewel, a wealth of embodied knowledge and deep reverence for the human experience. Zenith is the founder, EO and Deathwalker Trainer for the Natural Death Care Centre, a Byron Bay based charity. Zenith is also the creator of The Vagina Conversations, a performance of local women expressing empowered vagina stories. 
Today, I look forward to speaking with Zenith about the relationship between birth and death. With one of her roles as a deathwalker, Zenith is attuned to the transition between living in this physical body and ‘the other side’. We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land we speak and listen on particularly on the 26th and 27th of January, a day of mourning.Inte