Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

BONUS EPISODE: Finding Peace through Non-Violent Communication with Paulette Bray-Narai



Sally speaks with Paulette Bray-Narai, a certified Nonviolent Communication (NVC) instructor about how we can reframe the challenges we find in life through the practice of NVC.NVC was developed by Dr Marshall Rosenberg in the US in the 1960's and has been used since that time to bring groups with vastly opposing views together to form peaceful agreements. The NVC process has 4 main steps:1. When faced with a situation, observe what is happening objectively.2. Sense your feelings in response to the situation.3. Connect your feelings with a need.4. Make a request (of yourself or the other person), without having attachment to your particular request.This process is described in full in Dr Rosenberg's book "Non-Violent Communication".In this podcast we examine some common statements that can lead to disagreement, and then reframe these statements using NVC. Through this process we come to see how judgements in the use of certain words close down curiosity and open-minded discussion, and how by contrast the NV