Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

Birth as a Sacred Emergence: Embody Birth with Maha Al Musa



What does it mean to have an embodied pregnancy and birth experience? How can we tap into, and move forward, from our inner knowing? And how can we reclaim the sacredness of birth?In this episode of Pregnancy Birth and Beyond, Kirilly Dawn speaks with Maha Al Musa - internationally acclaimed independant childbirth educator and fierce advocate for centering the sacredness of birth in maternity care.Maha is a mother of three children, and is the founder of EmbodyBirth, and author of 'Dance of the Womb: The Essential Guide to Belly Dance for Pregnancy and Birth'. She birthed her third child, daughter Aminah in a home water lotus birth, at 46 years old, and breastfed her until she self weened at 8.5 years, when Maha was 54.5 years old. As such, Maha is an advocate for extended breastfeeding, home birth, and women being the authorities and experts in what is right for them and their babies.You can find out more about Maha at or Instagram @maha_al_musaThe EmbodyBirth program: https://sales.mahaal