Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

Evolutionary Gynaecology: Tending to your root.



In this episode, Oni Blecher speaks to Muse Lokajickova. Muse practices revolutionary care for the generative systems also known as evolutionary gynaecology. Muse has 15 years of hands-on practice weaving tools from western herbalism, indigenous medicine, and classical Chinese medicine. Her practice is built on her unique methods of uterine repositioning, internal pelvic floor manual therapy and holistic gynaecological care that follows the guiding force of the heart and nervous system. Through her work, Muse has helped a lot of women both get pregnant and have healthy pregnancies and births! Not only working in the pregnancy, birth, and beyond realms; muse assists and encourages people have a better connection and relationship with their pelvic anatomy including important physiological and anatomical understanding. Folks can work with Muse via distance consultations and her Sovereign Vagina Masterclass Series, a cannon of tangible tools for pelvic health, understanding gynecology as "gaiacology," and making