Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

Maternity advocacy and maternal wellbeing with Mother and Consumer Rep Helena Mooney



Around the country and indeed around the world hustling and cajoling, therein the complex webs of healthcare and community lie dedicated individuals and organisations working tirelessly to improve services. There always have been and I suspect, there always will be. When it comes to maternity care it’s no different. Primarily comprised of women and also some men, the improvement maternity services require For this episode of the Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond show, Annalee caught up with the remarkable Helena Mooney, a Sydney resident and long-time maternity consumer advocate. They discuss what health advocacy looks like and the many challenges volunteers face in advocating for better and more meaningful maternity services.From learning new terminology and jargon across several professional areas (such as research, government, health services, specific to maternity care, policy making, medico-legal, insurance etc etc) to finding your voice and calling out the many agendas that too often trump what the patient