Bs With Bob Schmidt

E54 Lorri Allison Craig Launch a Business on Lunch Hour



Lorri Allison Craig is a Certified Financial BS of Bob Schmidt podcast featuring entrepreneurs, marketers and business people this week talking with Lorri Allison Craig is an entrepreneur and author and a certified financial planner wanted to talk with her about starting up your own business over your lunch hour and I think that a lot of us as entrepreneurs can have that is a dream in our work and are 95 and were thinking about the daily grind and the crap that were dealing with on a daily basis with again we can do it better. Lori, is it possible for us to do better and that you know can I start a business only during her lunch hour anybody come to people that are God only 75% higher than that is a lot of people just hate what they do on a daily the grind is just there, I developed the lunch bag in the UK learn on your lunch hour to start a business doing something that you have is is that the key right there is doing something that you love you again something that