Ford On Food

Episode 11: Red As A Beetroot



The beetroot is a root vegetable, which originated in Germany. It made its way to the Mediterranean in the fifteenth century and is now cultivated all over the world. It was originally grown for its leaves that can be cooked like spinach or used fresh in salads. However, the large bulbous root is now used more often. There is several species of beetroot, ranging from a dark purple-red, to a golden or white variety. There is also an Italian beetroot called ‘Chioggio’ with alternating rings of purple and white, like a bull’s eye effect. It takes a little effort to cook beetroot correctly. Don’t peel them before boiling as they will bleed and loose their colour – peel them after they are cooked. Beetroot has many uses; it can be steamed, boiled, roasted, pickled or even eaten raw in salads. There is a very famous Ukrainian soup called ‘borscht’; made from beetroot, cabbage, onions, potatoes, chicken stock, and cream. Beetroot contains no fat, very few calories and is a great source of fibre.Tasty Beetroot Dip1Be