Ford On Food

Episode 31: Those Eggs Are Fishy!



It’s one of those Hollywood things – we often associate foods like lobster and caviar with the fabulously wealthy upper-class.After-all, in movies we see millionaires in tuxedoes being served silver platters of caviar with glasses of champagne. So it’s no surprise that caviar has been given a bad rap with the average Joe.Plus, the thought of eating fish eggs doesn’t always go down well with most people. Truth be told, caviar isn’t all that bad!In brief, caviar is the salted roe of certain species of fish. It varies in colour, from deep back, to brown or bright red.The most famous is from the Beluga Sturgeon, which is found in the Caspian Sea, off the coasts of Russia, and Iran. It’s not as available these days due to overfishing and pollution.Lump fish Roe is a cheaper alternative, but it’s not technically called caviar.Another common variety is roe from the North Atlantic Salmon.Here in Australia, aqua farmed Salmon Roe (or Salmon Pearls) is fairly abundant and inexpensive, and it’s the one I like the most.I