Afropolitan Central

S2 12- What's the move for summer 2019?



Hey guys, we’re excited back with you after our little unscheduled break! We start this episode’s chit chat on the topic of #cancel culture. It’s so easy to join social media movements to cancel brands like HM or Gucci when they show their behinds or even celebs that make questionable remarks, we’re looking at you Maya Jama. But how easy is it to actually cancel people in real life and is that even a mature approach? Of course, with summer fast approaching we delve into all the exciting things that this season brings with it- from the Afrobeats parties such as those organised by Afropolitan DC,NY and Miami, to the heady explorations of new places through travel, festivals like Carnival and summer romances! What do you have lined up for summer 2019? Our summer playlist is still loading so let us know what tunes you’re currently jamming to! We’re Afropolitan Central on Instagram and AfropolitanC on Twitter. Hop on and let us know your thoughts!