Keepin It Real With Janean

Stop the Thyroid Madness Replay w/ Janie Bowthorpe (Ep 78)



Are you exhausted? Feel like Crap? Brain Fog? It isn't hopeless! This may shed a new light on Thyroid imbalance for you or someone you know! Janie Bowthorpe author of ‘Stop the Thyroid Madness ‘ joins Janean for an extremely informative episode on Thyroid and Adrenal imbalances. Janie has written 2 books and created a comprehensive thyroid website on the net that includes patient discussion groups. Janie’s unique focus is reported patient experiences and the wisdom gained from those experiences. Are you or someone you know exhausted, have trouble remembering things, gaining weight, high cholesterol, depressed, have foggy brain, dry skin and hair, feel hopeless…. the list is long! Then this episode is for you…. there is hope! Learn why the TSH test is NOT a good indicator of Thyroid health. Why testing T4 and not T3 is inconclusive… and it has to be free T4 and free T3. Questions you need to ask your doctor and tests you must insist on. Why your temperature is a good clue to your Thyroid health. How low iron