Sex Out Loud With Tristan Taormino

Marla Renee Stewart on Sex Skills, Learning Styles, and How To Get Better At Seducing Yourself



Sex educator & author Marla Renee Stewart returns to the show to talk about her new book, The Ultimate Guide to Seduction & Foreplay, co-written with Dr. Jess. This interview continues the conversation on seduction and building your sex skills by examining your learning style and figuring out how to seduce yourself. Marla Renee Stewart, MA is a sexologist and a sex coach who runs her own sexuality education company, Velvet Lips.  She is also a Co-Founder of the Sex Down South Conference and the Sexual Liberation Collective.  She has studied human sexuality for more than 19 years and has been featured on a variety of media outlets, as well as spoken to various audiences around the world.