Sex Out Loud With Tristan Taormino

Dr. Rhoda on the Adult Baby & Diaper Lover fetish and community



For the first time in Sex Out Loud history, Tristan covers a topic that is taboo among the BDSM/kink community: Adult Baby & Diaper Lovers. Our expert is Dr. Rhoda, a therapist in private practice and the author of the book No More Hiding: Permission to Love Your Sexual Self. Dr. Rhoda Lipscomb has been counseling and coaching individuals and couples in human sexuality for over 28 years. She is an AASECT certified sex therapist, clinical sexologist, and sexuality coach specializing in areas of alternative sexuality. She has been in private practice for over 14 years. She frequently speaks at AB/DL events such as CapCon, TeddyCon, and US Littles, has been a guest expert on multiple podcasts regarding AB/DL acceptance and educates therapists to understand and work with the AB/DL community.