Sex Out Loud With Tristan Taormino

Sex and Sobriety with Stacie Ysidro



Sex and relationship coach Stacie Ysidro joins Tristan Taormino to talk about sex and sobriety. We discuss the challenges people experience with sex and relationships when they get sober, including anxiety, depression, fear, and disconnection. She uses many different modalities to help navigate these often new and complex waters, including sexology education, breathwork, movement, sounding, zen philosophy, somatic coaching, and Tantra. She explains what “spiritual death” and how her approach is rooted deeply in embodiment and spirituality. We also wrestle around with the problems with the concept of sex addiction. Special thanks to Sakara and Dipsea for their support of this show. Stacie Ysidro, founder of Holistic Progressions, has been coaching individuals and couples throughout the United States over 10 years. Her passion is helping people experience erotic freedom, full self acceptance and expression with grace and ease. She most enjoys seeing the transformations in people's sex lives extrapolate into all