Citr -- Exquisite Corpse

Doctor B on 24 Hours of Radio Art



I'm Doctor Bartlemania, or simply Doctor B. as I've been called by my fellow DJ's at WHRW in Binghamton, New York. WHRW went on the air in 1966 as a free-form non-commercial radio station. This coming month marks our 45th anniversary, and we're still true to our free-form tradition. Another tradition at WHRW is the on-air sonic collage, or ?space mix?. Originally these were done live with only two turntables, a microphone, a tape deck and sometimes the odd vocalizations by chemically-enhanced studio occupants. This space mix was of course created using modern digital technology.Another anniversary, an unhappy one, occurred last month. December 8, 2010 marked the 30th anniversary of the assassination of musician and former Beatle, John Lennon. I created this mix in his honor. Since I know that there are more John Lennon documentaries and radio programs out there than there are stars across the universe, I've done all I can to make my own contribution to his memory as unique as possible. John Lennon was a fan