Meal Mentor

S01 Episode 7 - Dr. Allen talks about supplements, nutrition, and creating a plant-based family practice



Host Lindsay S. Nixon chats with Dr. Allen, a plant-based medical professional! Dr. Allen practices medicine outside of Las Vegas, where he approaches healthcare with a focus on nutrition and prevention. Dr. Allen discusses how a plant-based diet changed his health, and the improvements he has seen in his patients. Whether you are a plant-based newbie or an old pro, you will benefit from Dr. Allen's advice and wisdom on this episode of the Meal Mentor podcast! More about this episode: What's the one thing Dr. Allen encourages his patients to change about their diet? Is it possible for cholesterol to not go down on a vegan diet? Dr. Allen answers this, and other member questions. How can you find a doctor who encourages and supports your lifestyle? A look into the medical system: why do most doctors immediately turn to prescription medications? Should you worry about B12? A discussion about supplements. The truth about coconut oil, Wheat Belly, and other diet fads. Try our FREE 3-Day sample meal plan! Resour