Meal Mentor

S01 Episode 12 - Gene Baur talks about staying positive & plant-based while living in a non-vegan world



Lindsay interviews Gene Baur, animal rights advocate and author of the new book, Living the Farm Sanctuary Life. Gene stops by to share the importance of a positive approach in regards to veganism, how we can live more compassionately, and he also shares the five tenets of the Farm Sanctuary life on this episode of the Meal Mentor Podcast! More about this episode: Why should we celebrate small steps in the right direction? How have things changed since Gene became a vegan in 1985? How are animal rights and human rights related? Why being vegan is not about an ingredient list: Gene shares his insights. Should you throw away your leather shoes? How can you maintain a vegan diet while traveling? Also, Gene answers Meal Mentor member questions! Try our FREE 7-Day sample meal plan! Resources: Living the Farm Sanctuary Life by Gene Baur Forks Over Knives V-dog For more support, join the Meal Mentor community! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram!