Meal Mentor

S02 Episode 7 - Sarah shares how she overcame early menopause symptoms with a plant-based diet



On this episode of the Meal Mentor Podcast, Lindsay is joined by Sarah, who was brought to a plant-based diet because of a health crisis. Sarah explains how she is overcoming the symptoms of her early menopause, as well as joint and nerve pain with the help of a plant-based diet. Lindsay and Sarah also discuss sustainable weight loss, the healthcare system, getting kids to eat fruit and vegetables, and the benefits of yoga. More about this episode: Sarah explains how she initially GAINED weight on a plant-based diet. Sarah describes what she learned about diet and lifestyle while living in Okinawa, Japan. How can you find a doctor who will support your plant-based diet? What food should you eat daily to reduce hot flashes? Can you really eat as much as you want on a plant-based diet? Try our FREE 7-Day sample meal plan! Resources: Dr. McDougall Happy Herbivore Plant-Based Doctors List Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Join the Meal Mentor community!