2 Sense

2 Sense "Learn Your F***in' Value" (Iran, Royal Family, Unfaithful Black Men)



There comes a time in life where you have to stop looking for validation from your parents and your peers.  Seek strength within, but more importantly know that whatever it is that you're going through...to go through it.  This is the only way to overcome adversity.  Anything else, you're running from your problems.  This show opens with talks of Trump and Iran assassination, leading to discussion of a billionaire project for happiness on Twitter, and ultimately discussing comedian and The Real Co-host Loni Love's interesting take on some black men not knowing how to be faithful in relationships. (0:00-5:05) Introduction/Therapy Update/Cassidy Sucks (5:05-9:38) Trump Orders the Iranian Hit! (9:38-11:27) Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Say Fuck This! (11:27-15:13) Billionaire Giving 9 Million Dollars to Followers for Happiness (15:13-20:50) Croombe's Top Joints & Games (20:50-23:51) Romey's Rant (23:51-26:48) Topic #1 Viral Disney Proposal, What Movie Would You Use? (26:48-38:00) Topic