Creating Calm Network 1

Giving Voice to Your Story with Dorit Sasson



I'm so excited to interview Linda Gray Sexton, daughter of Pulitizer prize winner and poetess, Anne Sexton. We'll be discussing most recently, Linda's memoir, Half in Love and Searching for Mercy Street. More specifically, we'll look at the process of getting in touch with the memories of her mother, and the process of giving voice to Linda Gray's own story as well as some of the writing techniques Linda Gray used to deepen the emotional experience on such a difficult and sensitive subject. Here's a bit more about Linda Gray Sexton's work:Sexton's most recent memoir, Half in Love: Surviving the Legacy of Suicide, is about her struggle with her own mental illness and the legacy of suicide left to her by her mother and her mother’s family.  Through the help of family, therapy and medicine, Linda confronted deep-seated issues, outlived her mother and curbed the haunting cycle of suicide she once seemed destined to inherit.