Creating Calm Network 1

DREAM Time with Carole J. Toms, ND



Would you like to understand the meanings of your dreams? What your dreams mean will be explained during these broadcasts.Today I chat with Elisabeth Puruto who was a small child in Germany during WW11 and immigrated to Australia when she was 30.  She has an Honours degree in Modern Languages Mass Media and Communication and a PhD in German Linguistics. Elisabeth is a registered nurse and spent 7 years as a missionary in Bali, Bangkok, South Africa and in Bangladesh. She speaks of her recurring dreams of nearly missing the train, of flying and of funny animals, and we discuss her cliff hanger dream. Elisabeth has written a book called ‘Over the Mountains – Not Over the Hill’.If you have dreams you would like me to help you understand, please connect with me at: and I'll share them (with your agreement) on an upcoming program.You can visit me at www.thedreamspecialist.comFor the best information on interpreting your dreams buy my book ‘How To Interpret Your Dreams: Knowing Your Drea