Ccc Sermons

John 12:12-19 | Triumphal & Tragic



The “Triumphal Entry” of Jesus into Jerusalem is probably one of the best know incidents in the life of Christ, maybe superseded only by his birth, death, and resurrection. People across Christendom love celebrating Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter when we recall and even re-enact that day when thousands upon thousands of people greeted Jesus by waving palm branches and shouting “Hosanna!” The entry of Jesus into Jerusalem looks and sounds so festive on the surface, and that’s how we often portray this event in our churches. Yet Luke 19:41 says that Jesus was weeping as he entered Jerusalem. What was going on? Join Pastor Larry McCall as we learn about this well-known, yet often-misunderstood event in the ministry of Jesus from John 12:12-19.