Ccc Sermons

Nehemiah 2:9-20: Useful to the Master



The Apostle Paul knew he was soon to be executed for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. He had one last letter to write – to his “son-in-the-faith,” Timothy. We know this last letter as 2 Timothy. In that letter, Paul called on his “son” to live a life “useful to the Master” (2 Timothy 2:21). Captivating thought, isn’t it? To live a life “useful to the Master.” Are you feeling that way about your own life? What would have to happen for that to happen? I’m struck by Nehemiah’s desire to live a life useful to the Master, even though doing so brought great risk. This coming Sunday we’ll focus on Nehemiah 2:9-20, exploring how this part of the book fits into God’s plan of redemption and how Nehemiah’s commitment to God’s plan moved him to live a life useful to the Master.