Ccc Sermons

John 1:1-8 | Love That Gives



We’ve probably all faced the reality at some point that something in our life needs a massive overhaul. We may sense something is not the way it ought to be and realize something has to change. As anyone who’s tried it can testify, change is not easy. It requires conviction. It requires intentionality. It requires effort. Sometimes, it even requires sacrifice. This Sunday, we begin a new series in the Gospel of John. As we journey through this book together, we will come into direct contact with a God who sees things in His world that need to change. So, He makes an intentional effort to overhaul His creation. As we will see, it requires an incredible sacrifice. Interestingly, He’s not the One who needs to change…we do! But, in His great love, He comes into the world to give us what we need to change. Join us as we begin this journey together to see our great God who gives!