Fairness Radio With Patrick O'heffernan

Final show: Dave Johnson, Jim Ziolkowski



Can one person save the world?  Jim Ziolkowski thinks so and he tells us how in his new book,  Walk in Their Shoes:  how one person can save the world.  Jim left a lucrative career in finance to work in developing countries and poor US neighborhoods, building schools and revitalizing communities.  Today he directs BuildOn, which works in 6 countries building schools and in 73 high schools in the US, A remarkable  94% of children who go through its US programs graduate from high school and go on to college.   Dave Johnson, Senior Fellow at the Campaign for America's Future and a Fairness Radio commentator from the very beginning, joins us for the last time for a discussion of a corporate tax idea that solves a lot of problems - getting rid of the foreign tax deferment.  Don't know what that is?  Dave will explain it at 2:30 pm ET..  Today is the last broadcAst of Fairness Radio, the M-TH political talk show.  But Music Friday, the Friday show of Fairness Radio, will remain at its time 11 am PT/2 pm ET and inte