I Am Sandra Oles And You're Not...

Dr. Henry Grayson talks about his upcoming Spring Seminars, Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind



Dr. Henry Grayson, renowned Psychologist, Ph.D., author of Mindful Loving and The New Physics of Love will teach you how to Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind. Dr. Grayson will teach you how to get to the barriers to healing as well as to the basic original cause of an illness, physical or emotional. A doctor will not tell you what the cause of the diagnosis is, instead you will typically be told how to focus on repairing the symptom in a certain body part only. The underlying cause is not likely to be attended to, for it often lurks under the surface, requiring ongoing and relentless curiosity and the deep desire to know. While research has defined some of the origins of various illnesses, it most often does not get beyond the linear connection to something physical. And especially, there is rarely any attention given to identifying the barriers to health and healing. And alas, most physicians and other health care professionals are just not trained in this manner since it is rarely if ever included in tradit