I Am Sandra Oles And You're Not...

Interview with Renowned Spiritual Medium Michele Renee



From a very early age, Michele Renee exhibited the signs of a "Medium". She had a way of just "Knowing" things before they happened. Michele's web site: http://www.postcardsfromheaven.net/ Michele finally realized she had the ability to communicate outside the living world when something happened to a family friend. He suddenly became ill and was hospitalized. The night it happened, she awoke from a particularly deep sleep to experience a vision unlike any other she had ever had. She was witnessing Tony making his transition to the other side. Approximately one hour later the telephone rang and it was the hospital informing Michele and her family that Tony had in fact passed on. Completely devastated, she sheepishly inquired as to the time of Tony's passing and found that the time of death was practically the same moment she had first started the vision! This experience profoundly affected Michele Renee and changed her life path. Immediately she was on the road to search for more knowledge. She studied hard a