Nova Weekend Warriors

Massage in a Time of COVID-19?



A quick note: Many times I sign off with "enjoy each new challenge that comes your way. Well for this episode, my greatest challenge was the audio. For a few of us on the panel it is ummm.... problematic.... this week. But the content is really, really great, so I hope you stick it out. For future recordings, I'm working on an alternative video platform and more importantly, my replacement mic will be in any day now. So you'll still be hearing my accent, but it will be a little less grating Thanks so sticking it out for this episode!* * *Description: As I continue to weigh the risks and benefits of massage while deciding whether or not to see client's in person, I was finding many massage group discussions remained polarized, with opposite sides (remain closed until a vaccine or see us as essential and allow us to practice without restriction). But I find the majority of us lie somewhere in between those two sides. Many times the debate comes down to 3 words "Do No Harm". In this episode, we speak to 4