One To One

My Donation Story: Sabet Choudhury meets Faruk Choudhury



Five years ago BBC journalist Sabet Choudhury donated a kidney to his mother. She’d been given just three years to live and the transplant transformed her life. Sabet, who is of Bangladeshi origin, says it wasn’t a difficult decision to make once he realised she could be waiting for years, because of a shortage of Asian donors in the UK. In this, the second of three programmes, Sabet talks to Faruk Choudhury. He is no relation, but he was Lord Mayor of Bristol in 2013 and he set out to increase the number of blood and organ donations from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities in the city. This was happening at the same time that Sabet was coming to terms with his mum’s failing health and his decision to donate, so he followed the Lord Mayor’s project closely and sees it as part of his own donation story. Produced by Jo Dwyer for BBC Audio in Bristol