Political Storm




TRUMP vs CLINTON SMILE SCOREInterview Facial Analysis Expert...Rich "The Smile Dr." Castellano, MD tells us how the SMILE FACTOR effects our decision in elections.Using behavioral and non-verbal communication analysis, Rich "The Smile Dr." Castellano has demonstrated that scoring the “Smiles” of presidential candidate’s photos has accurately portrayed the outcome of every election since 1976. Research has already shown that non-verbal communication and the simple act of smiling can help us live longer, stay married longer, and physically change our bodies to lower our heart rate and reduce stress. But can it help you win an election...according to history, IT CAN! Good communication, among other things, is a key element of winning any election. Elections are simply competitions on who can communicate and connect most effectively with the electorate. Again, the significance of the smile shows that humans can be very predictable in how we choose our relationships. To compare the smiles of the candidates, Dr. Ri