All My Friends Are In Bar Bands

Episode 86: My Friends Jonathan Boulet and Kirsty Tickle (Party Dozen, Exhibitionist, Parades, Little Scout et al).



The 2010s are not over yet and the nostalgia seems to have already started. In the spirit of that, here's a chat with two Australian artists that originally came to prominence at the start of the decade - one as an indie-pop darling getting reblogged by Kanye West, the other as an up-and-coming Brisbane keyboardist in a band adored by Camera Obscura and The New Pornographers alike. When Jonathan Boulet and Kirsty Tickle first crossed paths on tour with Parades and Little Scout, respectively, neither could have predicted a relationship in and out of music that would see them relocate to the other side of the world, join forces on several occasions and eventually take shape in the form of one of the most weird and wonderful bands doing the rounds in Sydney right now, Party Dozen. On a Sunday afternoon in their rehearsal room over in Marrickville, the duo go through just about everything they've ever worked on, as coaxed on by an unashamed fanboy in that particular department (not naming any names). Party Dozen'