Hormones Community Calls

How Your Hormones Play a Role in Breast Cancer & What You Can Do About It



Are your food choices turning cancer off or on? Today I invited Dr. Nalini Chilkov to discuss how we can control the risk factors that cause breast cancer in the first place: one of the most critical risk factors is the food we eat.In today's episode, you will learn:What is the prognosis of breast cancer in America and around the world?Why do women develop breast cancer?How much do genetics play a role?Why is it that often times a seemingly "healthy" woman with a clean past medical history can develop breast cancer?Should we be concerned if we "just have a lump"?What screening technologies and methods are recommended? How does nutrition and chemicals in our own household contribute to breast health?What are the top 3-5 things we can do today to prevent breast cancer?What about women who have been diagnosed - what are their options?Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac.O.M.D. is the Founder of IntegrativeCancerAnswers.com and a leading edge authority on integrative cancer care, immune enhancement, optimal nutrition and wel