Roundtable With Stephanie Robinson

Designer Babies



This week on Roundtable with Stephanie Robinson, Stephanie takes on science, the field of genetics and the current dilemma regarding its ethics and limitations. Has the time come when parents will be able to pick and choose the characteristics of our yet-to-be-born babies? Do such modern scientific advancements represent progress or a threat to humanity? Are we playing God?Joining us to sort out some of these challenging questions is Enola Aird, an activist mother and founding director of Mothers for a Human Future; Dr. Keith Crawford, a physician-scientist and Chief Medical Officer at Parcell Laboratories; and Dr. Marcy Darnovsky, Executive Director of the Center for Genetics and Society. Together we will discuss just how far our science has gone and should go, as well as the implications for society and for our very humanity itself.It is time to gather at the Roundtable as Stephanie Robinson delivers hot topics, deep talk and a little bit of uplift. Roundtable with Stephanie Robinson...pull up a chair.