Talk Your Poly Off

Goodbye 2020 Hello 2021



What a strange and crazy year 2020 has been but we survived. Along the way we made some changes in our lives, we helped out some people in need, built stronger closer bonds with family, and found ourselves binge watching some interesting tv shows. In our first podcast episode of 2021 we get into a bit of catch up and discuss how life has been going for us over this past year. Looking forward into the next few episodes while we shake off the dust and get back into the swing of things we will discuss what we’ve been up to, what our future goals are for this next year and we even setup the….wait for it….TYPO PHONE! (Hears batman music in my head now!) 2021 is going to bring a new way of podcasting for us, we are going to break down our episodes into seasons beginning with our personal development season because we believe that in order to be successful in any relationship you’ve first got to have a better understanding of yourself. So cheers and happy new year and we look forward to hearing from you! Call us