Talk Your Poly Off

KTT: Our relationship check in tool



#ilovepolyKTT Our relationships do best when we are checking in regularly with our partners, and that doesn't mean just asking "hey are things good with us?" because that can be blind siding and unnerving for the unsuspecting partner. We are talking about doing the sort of weekly check-in that takes a little more effort and forethought. We want to be able to not only discuss our relationship and what's working or not but also let's go over this weeks schedule and meal plan and budget or whatever else works for you and yours. We have been doing this for a while now and we wanted to make sure we did an episode on how it works for us. We created a pdf document for you to download and use to help you get started with this practice as well. Take what works for you and toss what doesn't and please add in anything you think you could benefit from. We would also LOVE if you shared pictures of your polycule using the KTT or pictures of a form you like to use or your notes etc. We want to see how you make relations