Talk Your Poly Off

Let's Talk About Sex, Poly Style



Sex and polyamory... they aren't always connected yet often times when someone finds out you're polyam their first thought is "oh so you have tons of orgies?!" and while that might be something you're into it isn't the default just because you're polyamorous. A healthy sex life, for people choosing to have sex as part of their dynamic, is a great way to connect on a intimate level with your partner. On this weeks episode we talk about all the important things leading up to sex including consent, boundaries, sexual health and sti prevention. All of that leading up to some discussion on fantasies and foreplay and a few giggles from Bella. * Please remember we are not medical professionals so please see your physician for medical advice. We hope we can help you open that discussion with partners and take the next steps but by no means are we giving you medical advice.* Special Shout-out to (insert links here) If you love our show and appreciate what we do, we would love for you to hit that "follow" or "s