Secrets Of Organ Playing Podcast

SOPP352: I have been given the keys for 2 of the churches in my parish



This question was sent by Anders and he writes: “Hi Vidas and Ausra I have written to you before and I was quite happy that you published my thoughts. What I’d like to tell you is that I’m really happy to have entered the world of organ playing. It is indeed a world in its own. So sad sometimes when I realize that my work mates or friends really don’t understand what they miss. They just don’t know what I’m talking about, poor souls. I have been given the keys for 2 of the churches in my parish and I’m quite grateful for that. One organ has pneumatic action and the other is mechanical. It is very interesting to change between them, they are very individual and have their own personalities. I’m not at all good at playing, only simple pieces, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying what I’m doing or trying to make progress. 1.) I’m very happy that I can sit alone in a church and play. It is a very special and somewhat mystical experience to see the afternoon sun shine through the beautiful coloured windows